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Lgd 4033 how to take
LGD 4033 was developed with the goal of preventing muscle loss in the elderly and in those who suffer from muscle dystrophy, an inherited disease that affects the nervous system and which results in muscle atrophy. "Losing fat is a good thing," Jang says, "but losing muscle is better." Longevity, not mortality While longevity has long been a goal for scientists, many of those long ago envisioned a lifespan of centuries — as long as we are willing to sacrifice longevity for it, lgd-4033 dosage ml. "We could reach a point on the continuum between immortality and aging," says Jang, and "the key for humans is to maintain a very low threshold of aging." Jang and his colleagues have found that if you can extend lifespan through gene therapy, then you can increase longevity, lgd 4033 how to take. Jang recently published findings based on two studies on mice showing that they could increase lifespan by up to twofold if they had inherited a defective gene of the insulin genes, and not just through gene therapy, to how take lgd 4033. "It's been thought that that the lifespan extension achieved with gene therapy would be confined to a narrow range of tissues," says Jang. "But now we see in a mouse model it also works in muscle and bone, anabolic steroids and immune system." "It's an example of the power of gene therapy as a therapeutic tool for a new class of disease," adds Dr. Jang.
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